Finding The Average Gallons Per Minute Of a Garden Hose: The Easy-to-Read and Ultimate Guide

Garden hoses are very useful, but it is important to determine the average gallons per minute of a garden hose! Not all garden hoses are made the same way and the average differs based on many requirements. For example, the thinner a garden hose’s opening is, the less the water pressure and water amount is.

If you are looking for water-saving techniques, then you need to determine the average gallons per minute of a garden hose. Your garden hose has a PSI, which refers to pounds per square inch and calculates the speed at which water rushes through the hose. Keep reading to learn more about finding the average gallons per minute of a garden hose.

What are The Average Gallons Per Minute Of a Garden Hose?

First, you must know that there is no one average number. While this is true, typically, one water hose can shoot out approximately 6-12 gallons per minute! In just one minute, your backyard or front yard can flood with lots of water, causing damage.

However, while there is no one magic number, we do know that the average is about 9 gallons per minute. Consider, though, that the exact number varies depending on any attachments left on your garden hose as well as the pressure released.

 How do you calculate gallons per minute?

Why is There a Difference Between Garden Hoses and Gallons Per Minute?

So, why is there a difference with each garden hose? There are many factors to consider including the overall water pressure, the material of the garden hose, the intensity of the water flow from the pipes, and the sizes of the water hose openings.

When there is a problem with the pipes of a garden water hose, this can decrease the pressure and lead to a decrease in the average gallons per minute. The sizes also make a huge difference! For example, the smaller an opening, the lower the pressure of water leading to less water rushing out of the hose.

However, it is important to note that the larger an opening, the more room for water to rush out! Since this is the case, a larger diameter likely leads to higher gallons per minute. Many companies use different manufacturing guidelines as well, leading to a difference between garden hoses and gallons per minute.

Expandable Garden Hose 100 ft

Finding The Rate Easily and Effectively

While there are calculators online that use hard-to-read math, you can also figure out the average on your own with household supplies! I suggest taking a large bucket that can contain a minimum of 20 gallons of water. Since there is no telling how much water will come out in one minute, choose a large container.

Using a stopwatch, or the timer in your phone, start the timer as soon as you see was rush out of the opening of the garden hose. Time the rate for at least a minute and record the gallons. If you need to, repeat this test five times and take the average. Keep in mind though that this is not a completely accurate method!

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Looking For The Best Garden Hose

Now, where is the best place to look for the best garden hose? I personally always try to shop locally and in my community. Before hitting the large garden and lawn stories, I ask around for garden hoses and attachments in my local online group. Try social media as there are groups of like-minded people in the community!

If you are on a tight budget, it won’t hurt to search in second-hand shops/donation centers. However, usually, the best time to find a garden hose is during spring cleaning, as families donate extra or old garden tools. The most common garden hose search location, though, is a specialized garden store!

Choosing Strong Material For a Garden Hose

Not a lot of people think about the material that wraps around their garden hose until it is too late! While it is tempting to purchase a cheap garden hose, there is no telling how long it will last. There are two common types of material, including vinyl and rubber.

With vinyl garden hoses, the material is known to be less durable, but flexible and lighter. It is good for short-term use and length. However, if you want something to last a long time, and you don’t mind if there is weight to it, try rubber as it is made for heavy-duty use!

The Many Uses Of Garden Hoses

So, why use a garden hose? What is the purpose of knowing the average gallons per minute of a garden hose? Well, firstly, most people use their garden hoses to water their plants. Some plants with thinner stems are fragile and cannot handle high pressure and large amounts of water.

If you do not know your average gallons per minute of a garden hose, there is potential risk that you can damage your plants. Not only this, but the pressure and the water usage is essential to consider when washing cars. The paint of cars is expensive and to last long should be taken care of with the right amount of water.

You can also use your garden hose for your pets. Those of us with dogs know how tedious it is to wash them without a garden hose! Too much water in one minute though leads to an increase in your water bill!


All in all, finding the average gallons per minute of a garden hose is not easy! However, you do not have to guess. Instead, using a calculation or conducting a short experiment can help you estimate an average gallons per minute of a garden hose.

Why is it important to know this? It is important because the water pressure can increase your utility bills! Did you learn anything new about average gallons per minute of a garden hose? Let us know your thoughts on this subject below. If you know anyone else curious about average gallons per minute of a garden hose, share this blog!

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